Wednesday, October 13, 2010

::: Mari mandi bunge :::

lately slalu dgr bende2 yg xsedap pasal bestie2:


1) tbe2 dpt tau bestie kne saman mse nk pgi konvo org yg d kasihi nye,,RM300 OK!!bkn maen2,,xd diskaun tau!!

2) tbe2 bestie dpt tau die dpt examiner yg sgt mnakut kan,,mmg sgt TAKUT!!tp ttp bg smgt kepade beliau,,,"xpe,,kte kan ad ALLAH,,"

3) tbe2 dpt tau roomate bestie a.k.a besfrenz bestie nak tunang,,she seems like not very happy,,but she try to adapt,,:))

4) tbe2 dpt tau bestie crush dgn bestie,,story yg sgt sday,,ktorg nasihat kan si lelaki to try accept si wanita,,TAPI,,,bestie xmungkin boley suke lebey dri besti,,it's very awkward!!tp at the same time ksean kowt,,:(

5) tbe2 dpt tau yg bestie rse diri die d pulau kan dri keluarge sbb beliau d gosep kan ad BF,,for ur information, family bestie neh x ske kalo bestie neh bchenta tyme stdy...TAPI,, beliau x bchenta pown,,sday x???:(

6) tbe2 dpt tau yg bestie kluar dgn sorg mamat yg tidak d kenali,,and hanya d kenali melalui internet~~ineh SCARY OK!!!
pas2 bestie mnasihati bestie,,tp end up dgn bende yg x puas ati,,then tpkse la bestie yg seterus nye (yg neh ak la,:P) mnasihati beliau dgn poenuh bhemah,,maklum la,,org yg start ske ngn org neh fragile hati nye,,alhamdulliah,die boley trime nasihat tsebut..:)

*** bestie yg terlibat dlm cte d atas ada lah seramai 5 org,,ha,,match kan la mane2 yg jd bestie1, bestie2,bestie3 and sterus nye,,:P